Steve Blincoe Creates

Rollerbear and Turbo Ted Turbo Ted Rollerbear Turbo Ted Wheel Upted and cones CGI turboted cgi2 turboted wheel CGI traffic conessketchy sketch Rollerbear sketch sketched Turboted Turboted sketch group shot Rollerbear and Turbo ted



Rollerbear & Turbo Ted

Characters from Project Turbo Ted & Rollerbear

Turbo Ted is a manic little bundle of energy who can't stay still. Even at "rest" he tends to keep his wheel rotating at optimum RPM, ready for a quick getaway. Life is an endless quest for adrenaline and high-speed thrills for him. "Chase Me".

Rollerbear and Turbo Ted

Rollerbear in comparison is a tad more laid back, and subsequently the "brains" of the pair. Hah. Though he's got slower acceleration, he's confident that "it's the plodders who get there" and his unparallelled straight-line speed and mass will see him through.

Neither likes traffic cones.